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Writer's pictureRachel Sanchez

Help! No One Appreciates Me at Work

Updated: Oct 22

Hey everyone, welcome back to the BLINC weekly newsletter. I'm Bianca Lager, and I share advice for business leaders on tricky career conversations, business moves, and all those things that really run you down during your workday. Every week, we get a submission that I answer pretty much live. I read through it maybe once, but for the most part, I'm just reacting to these questions and giving my best advice on how to navigate them.

If you're wondering why I'm the person giving advice on this kind of stuff, feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn or check my website to see my work history. Essentially, I ran a company for a long time, managed a lot of people, and people seem to like my advice. So, here we go!

Here’s this week’s submission: "Hi, I'm not sure how to write this without sounding whiny, but here goes. No one appreciates me at work. I work at a relatively small company, around 60 people. I started working here six years ago when there were just about a dozen of us. For the first three years, I was promoted a lot as we grew, but for the last three years, I feel like I’m stuck doing everything for everyone, with no recognition, raise, or title change. I basically have a major title, even though I do a hybrid of things—admin, HR, client support, and so much more. You name it, I do it. I feel taken advantage of, but I’m not sure how to bring this up. It’s like I might cry if I do because, for the most part, I really like my co-workers and I have a ton of flexibility and autonomy, so most days I convince myself it’s not that bad. I just hate the idea of begging for more money or to be appreciated. Is there a way I can bring this up without feeling like a whiny little baby? Thanks for any help."

Well, wonderful submission! If you’re part of my weekly newsletter, you’ll see this type of question coming at us often. Please subscribe and join the email version, as it's more in-depth than the LinkedIn version. Now, let’s get into it.

To the letter writer, this is super common in small businesses. In the early days, everyone does everything. I’m going to take a guess and say you’re a woman because, oftentimes, women take on multiple tasks and end up being the "catch-all." You’ve probably been that person in the company who nurtures and takes care of everything. That’s exciting because it offers growth and opportunity, but now it sounds like you’ve become the person who does everything without complaining—and it will stay that way if you don’t speak up.

You know that you need to talk to your boss about this. You probably work directly with the CEO or owner, so having that conversation is necessary. The words you use and how you say them matter, but don’t worry too much about getting the perfect script. There’s traditional advice that goes something like, "Here’s my business case for why I deserve a raise or title promotion." A million TikToks give you scripts for this.

However, I think a couple of things are happening here. One, I believe you’re burnt out. You’re in a situation that happened to you rather than one you strategized for. The task switching is chaotic, and you need a break. More importantly, you need to start picking a lane. Out of all the things you do daily, what do you love, and what do you hate? Even if you get a promotion or title change, it won’t matter if you’re still doing work that exhausts you.

It sounds like you’re exhausted, even though you like your co-workers—which is half the battle. If the work is overwhelming and you don’t feel appreciated, it makes everything harder. Sometimes it’s difficult to admit when we’re unhappy with the work we’re doing, but it’s essential. If you haven’t let your boss know how you feel, that’s on you. But, in small companies, bosses can also be too busy to notice.

Before you talk to your boss, don’t focus too much on getting a specific title or promotion. Yes, tracking your performance and making a case for yourself is helpful, but it’s also about restructuring your role. Suggest ways to delegate or outsource some tasks. You could propose hiring a virtual assistant, which is a great solution for small businesses. You don’t have to hire a full-time person; you can start small and see how it goes. I can even give you a reference for one if you’re interested!

Lastly, remember that restructuring your role might not just mean a promotion—it’s about making your job sustainable and enjoyable again. If, after the conversation, nothing changes, it’s okay to start brushing up your resume. But first, give this a shot. You have a lot going for you, especially with flexibility and autonomy. Many people would sacrifice a lot for that, myself included.

This is a great opportunity to practice self-advocacy. Instead of saying yes to everything, take control of your career decisions. Stop focusing on whether people appreciate you, and start thinking about what’s exhausting you and how to change the situation. Use the advantage of working in a small business to walk into the CEO’s office and say, "Let’s do something different."

Good luck to you! And again, if you need a virtual assistant reference, I’ve got one. Alright, thanks for joining, and I’ll see you next week!


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